

RIP, Bookpool

Posted by Keith McMillan

June 2, 2009 | 1 Comment

I picked up a project at work that’s working on an iPhone application, which I’d asked to coach since it sounded fun. I was going to Bookpool.com tonight to look for books on iPhone programming, and the domain is parked!

This came as quite a blow. Bookpool always had good service, and their prices couldn’t be beat. A quick Google came up with a number of threads where others are also grieving the loss of Bookpool.

Here’s hoping they come back, I’d certainly buy from them again! If not, rest in peace friend.


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1 Comment »

Comment by I
2009-09-06 18:31:27

As always: The best people, company, group… ARE destroyed. I prefered bookpool than amazon. Best prices and excellent derivery. I hope they came back soon.

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