

The New Logo

May 10, 2009 | 1 Comment

Over the weekend, Kelly and I finished up the new logo. It’s her inspiration, with my fine tuning that got us to it, and without further ado, here it is:


There’s another version which I’m also planning on using, but doesn’t work so well when printed out:


So, what do you think? I like them, personally…



It’s no secret how to write a good user story, you just need to keep focused on the outcome you want to see. Cohen’s formula, “I, as a , want to so I can ,” does a good job keeping us focused on that. Still it seems like people want to throw all kinds of things into the backlog as a user story.

I’ve started to notice, however, that there’s another interesting thing out there, which we’ll call User Story Factories. (I was calling them “story generators,” Lowell Lindstrom, a Certified Scrum Trainer, suggested that maybe “factory” was a more appropriate term, which seemed like a sensible suggestion.)

Sometimes someone will suggest a story along the lines of “we need to educate the organization on our new product.” It’s a pretty sensible suggestion, it’s something that the project needs to do, and it has a business value. It presents some interesting challenges when you consider how you get to “done” with that story.

How do you say you’re “done” with educating the organization? You can’t, because there’s always something else you could do.  You can pull specific stories out of this factory, however. You can decide to offer a lunch-and-learn, schedule training, or visit with teams using the current version of your product. All of these have pretty clear criteria as to what “done” means, but the factory itself doesn’t.

I think this is an interesting tool to keep around. When you’re planning iterations/sprints, you can look at these factories and decide if you need to make some progress in the area they describe.  If so, you pull some stories out of the factory, decide on how you’ll be “done,” and put them into the backlog.

Some of the purists might say “that’s not a good story,” but I think it helps keep your customer/product owner engaged with the project if you can speak in their terms. They’re worried about “organizational education,” then cool, keep it around and decide how to get good stories out of that factory.


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