So I’ve been absent for a while. Daniel and I are working on a book on agile adoption anti-patterns, and frankly it’s taken a good deal of my time, and sapped much of the desire I had to write in my spare time. We’re currently trying to find a publisher before we continue on with the process, so there’s a bit of a breather.
While I’ve got some “spare time” I decided it was high time I got more familiar with the Google Web Toolkit, or GWT. I worked quite extensively with AJAX applications back at Lontra, and have some familiarity with a number of them, but was only extensively versed with SmartClient, a commercial AJAX toolkit. GWT has the nice advantage of being free.
Since I’ve been coaching teams in agile adoption at my current client, and they have a problem getting dedicated space for their teams, I thought a good thing to build would be a virtual “card wall,” where you can drag stories from “not started” to “in progress” and eventually to “done.” ThoughtWorks has a product somewhat similar to this called Mingle, which I’ve not really looked at very much, since I don’t want it to taint my ideas just yet.
Being familiar with the Java technology stack, I opted to use Spring 2, and for a change of pace I’m using iBATIS rather than Hibernate for this go-round. For persistence, I’m using PostgreSQL. It’s still a work-in-progress at this point, but making it’s way along. I’ll share screenshots as it progresses, if there’s interest.
So that’s why I’ve been absent for so long. I’ve been monitoring all the usual sources of input (i.e. groups and whatnot) but haven’t really felt the need to say much. I joined the CISSP Yahoo Group, and man, what a bunch of chatterers those lot are. I’m seriously thinking of un-subbing that one.
As a parting thought, anyone have any good suggestions for e-groups in Chicago, Milwaukee or Madison for Agile, J2EE, Enterprise Architecture or IT Security?
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