

New user registrations turned off

Posted by Keith McMillan

June 28, 2010 | Leave a Comment

I’ve come to suspect that my blog is the victim of spambots that have decided they might be able to do something interesting if they sign up for an account. Maybe they think they get author privileges once they have an account, but I restrict that role to myself (at least for the moment).  I’ve put up with it for a while, since I believe there’s no harm in them signing up, the only new superpower registered readers get is “subscribe,” I believe.

It’s been making me uncomfortable however, because I’ve not spent much time keeping up with any security concerns in WordPress (the underlying blogging platform), and since I get an email every time a new user registers, it’s never too far from my mind…

As a result, I decided today to turn off the “anybody can register” feature. I’m also debating going through my user rolls and deleting the obvious spambots (anybody in .RU for starters, since I can’t imagine I’m much interest to someone in Russia…)

In the event I do decide to start going all Stalin on the registered user rolls, I put up another post, so people can let me know if I delete them and they really were interested in having an account.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled web surfing, already in progress…


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