

Centralized Identity Management is a Good Thing

Posted by Keith McMillan

February 11, 2008 | 3 Comments

Dark Reading has an article up talking about the expected industry upswing in adoption of identity management solutions. The article points out that Sarbanes-Oxley, and other regulatory concerns, are driving this adoption. Centralized identity management is where one directory of users and their roles is created, and centrally managed. Applications make use of the central directory to get this information, rather than having users created individually within each system. This isn’t a new concept: tools like OpenLDAP, Microsoft Active Directory and IBM Tivoli Identity Manager have been around for a while now, but it hasn’t really got a lot of traction.

I wrote before about security as a chore, and discussed that there’s a historical tendency of some organizations to view security as an annoyance, and “somebody else’s problem”, because I’ve got enough to do with the work that I’ve got to get done.

This is despite the fact that centralized identity management for enterprises makes a lot of sense. It allows security to be managed by people who’s job it is to manage security. This stands a much better chance of being successful than taking someone who’s primary job is something else, and adding security in as well. As experience has shown, in an environment like the latter, your permissions tend to grow over time, as you move from job to job, department to department, because they’re never removed.

So why hasn’t centralized management gained more ground? There are a couple of reasons why, I think. The first is (or at least can be argued as) a valid business decision. When you’re given a choice between adding some new feature to your software that will give you a competitive edge, to do away with some annoyance that you’ve been fighting for what seems like forever, and integrating to a centralized identity management solution, what are you going to choose? Unless there’s a good business driver behind the identity management integration, it’s going to lose.

The second reason is a bit harder to justify: it’s the natural tendency for people to want to have control of their environments. If I have an application that my department uses, I may not look favorably on my user’s permissions for my application being in some system that I don’t control: “It gets in the way of doing my job most efficiently,” I may say, but to be honest, I just don’t like someone else being in control of that part of my world. This is a short-sighted view, and smacks of needless competitiveness, but within many  business environments, this is a common one. Managers typically don’t get to be managers without some degree of competitive drive.

I think it’s a good thing that regulatory pressures are adding weight to the centralized management side of the scale.  On the whole, I think that it’s a more manageable and thus more secure solution. You’ve given the management of security information to a group who’s main job it is to manage such information. This beats letting it continue to be handled by groups who’s primary responsibilities are tasks other than security. These organizations have a goal of doing work most efficiently, a goal that is in fact hampered by security, because it’s most efficient to give someone all the permissions, and to never to back to manage them, after all.


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Comment by Sue Massey
2008-02-11 09:52:21

I found your site on google blog search and read a few of your other posts. Keep up the good work. Just added your RSS feed to my feed reader. Look forward to reading more from you.

– Sue.

Comment by Keith McMillan
2008-02-12 11:38:21

Thanks Sue, I’m glad you found the post interesting.

Comment by Andy Kailhofer
2008-02-12 13:45:56

I think that at least common identity repositories, like ADS/OpenLDAP are gaining a lot of foothold, especially since Samba/Winbind makes it so darned easy to integrate all of your machines, be it linux (really, PAM-speaking) or Windows. I see this as a win for “You mean I only ever need to remember one password?” over anything else. Once organizations start to believe in passwords, managing that complexity quickly becomes a horrible nightmare otherwise. Or so I’ve seen…

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